Eventually my goal is to separate creative writing posts from college preparation posts. However, from time to time I’ll combine entries as they relate to one another, and I get comfortable with the entire blog idea.
That’s right; I said I need to get comfortable with the blog idea. My old school ways simply weren’t working any longer and like any true professional I evolved.
As I started to change an epiphany hit me over the head and then came back kicking my butt! Developing and writing a blog, essay, story, novel, or even a business plan requires planning, brainstorming, researching and trial and error before publishing.
Wait a minute! Stop everything! I just explained the writing process.
As I created my website I discovered everything from thought to creation required the exact same premise as the writing process. Simply put, one needs a plan.
It’s like going to the grocery store. First comes the list of needed items from the top of my head and then I look through the cabinets and refrigerator– the brainstorm. Sometimes I go even further and lump items together according to isles—the outline. Then it’s time to look through the ads, checking for the best prices—the research. Without a plan I waste time and money—the disaster.
Start early and plan it. Whether you’re writing creative for creative audience, or an expository audience, give yourself a deadline for a final copy and plan accordingly. Remember to sketch out your ideas—the brainstorm. Lump them together and know where you want to go—the outline. Don’t forget to research, research, research and document, document, document accordingly. (I will address that at a later time). Start drafting. I mean that word as a gerund; a verb and a plural noun, there should be more than one draft. Remember what happens without a good plan—disaster.
The bottom line is that everything must start with a process and a plan before trial and error, which is your drafting. Write a first draft. Get those thoughts on paper. Let it get cold. Wait a few days. Then, look at it. Yes, you wrote that, so now fix it! It wouldn’t hurt to let it get cold again and then fix it, again.
Keep in mind; everything starts with a plan. Just plan it!